Pan Ty Miniature Cross Section

Miniature Cross Section Pan-Ty marker and flag cable ties are used to fasten and identify cables at the same time. The legend areas range from 20.6 x 9.1mm to 62.7 x 23.1mm and can be either a flag type standing proud of the cable or wrap type laying on the cable bundle. The legend plates can be marked using indelible pens or pre-printed adhesive labels.

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Code Description Length Width Thickness Wright-on area Bundle max Minimum loop tensile strength Colour Price Unit Quantity
PLF1M-M Panduit PLF1M-M locking marker and flag cable ties - - - - - - -
£89.22 (exc VAT) per 1000
£107.06 (inc VAT)
PLF1MA-C Panduit PLF1MA-C 130x2.5mm nylon 6.6 locking marker and flag cable tie 130mm 2.5mm 1.1mm 19.1 x 26.4mm 22mm 80N Natural
£16.49 (exc VAT) per 100
£19.79 (inc VAT)
PLM2M-C Panduit PLM2M-C 203x2.5mm nylon 6.6 locking marker and flag cable tie 203mm 2.5mm 0.9mm 6.6 x 24.1mm 51mm 80N Natural
£20.43 (exc VAT) per 100
£24.52 (inc VAT)