Cablectrix extensive range of cable management products to secure, protect, terminate and identify cables and wires. Our Cable Protection are designed to help protect your cables from abrasion and physical impact to ensure longevity. We provide Cable Identification solutions from ...Hellermanntyton, Brady, Panduit, Partex and Critchley. These products include printed self-laminating labels, heatshrink sleeves, wire markers and marker plates. ...Our extensive range of Cable Fastening products you will find the ubiquitous cable tie, and associated products including cable tie bases, cable clips, cable glands and grommets, which are provided by Panduit, Hellermann, Richco and Anixter. Our extensive range of Crimp Terminals which are provided by Klauke, JST, Panduit, Partex and Cembre is our strongest product ranges as we have extensive knowledge and stockholding of a wide range of crimp terminals.